Snippets Collections
class Attribute_Information():

    def __init__(self):
        print("Attribute Information object created")
    def Column_information(self,df):
        This method will give us a basic
        information of the dataframe like
        Count of Attributes,Count of rows,
        Numerical Attributes, Categorical 
        Attributes, Factor Attributes etc..
        data_info = pd.DataFrame(
                                columns=['No of observation',
                                        'No of Variables',
                                        'No of Numerical Variables',
                                        'No of Factor Variables',
                                        'No of Categorical Variables',
                                        'No of Logical Variables',
                                        'No of Date Variables',
                                        'No of zero variance variables'])

        data_info.loc[0,'No of observation'] = df.shape[0]
        data_info.loc[0,'No of Variables'] = df.shape[1]
        data_info.loc[0,'No of Numerical Variables'] = df._get_numeric_data().shape[1]
        data_info.loc[0,'No of Factor Variables'] = df.select_dtypes(include='category').shape[1]
        data_info.loc[0,'No of Logical Variables'] = df.select_dtypes(include='bool').shape[1]
        data_info.loc[0,'No of Categorical Variables'] = df.select_dtypes(include='object').shape[1]
        data_info.loc[0,'No of Date Variables'] = df.select_dtypes(include='datetime64').shape[1]
        data_info.loc[0,'No of zero variance variables'] = df.loc[:,df.apply(pd.Series.nunique)==1].shape[1]

        data_info =data_info.transpose()
        data_info['value'] = data_info['value'].astype(int)

        return data_info

    def __get_missing_values(self,data):
        It is a Private method, so it cannot 
        be accessed by object outside the 
        class. This function will give us 
        a basic information like count 
        of missing values
        #Getting sum of missing values for each feature
        missing_values = data.isnull().sum()
        #Feature missing values are sorted from few to many
        missing_values.sort_values(ascending=False, inplace=True)
        #Returning missing values
        return missing_values

    def Agg_Tabulation(self,data):
        This method is a extension of 
        schema will gives the aditional 
        information about the data
        like Entropy value, Missing 
        Value Percentage and some observations
        print("=" * 110)
        print("Aggregation of Table")
        print("=" * 110)
        table = pd.DataFrame(data.dtypes,columns=['dtypes'])
        table1 =pd.DataFrame(data.columns,columns=['Names'])
        table = table.reset_index()
        table= table.rename(columns={'index':'Name'})
        table['No of Missing'] = data.isnull().sum().values    
        table['No of Uniques'] = data.nunique().values
        table['Percent of Missing'] = ((data.isnull().sum().values)/ (data.shape[0])) *100
        table['First Observation'] = data.loc[0].values
        table['Second Observation'] = data.loc[1].values
        table['Third Observation'] = data.loc[2].values
        for name in table['Name'].value_counts().index:
            table.loc[table['Name'] == name, 'Entropy'] = round(stats.entropy(data[name].value_counts(normalize=True), base=2),2)
        return table
        print("=" * 110)
    def __iqr(self,x):
        It is a private method which 
        returns you interquartile Range
        return x.quantile(q=0.75) - x.quantile(q=0.25)

    def __outlier_count(self,x):
        It is a private method which 
        returns you outlier present
        in the interquartile Range
        upper_out = x.quantile(q=0.75) + 1.5 * self.__iqr(x)
        lower_out = x.quantile(q=0.25) - 1.5 * self.__iqr(x)
        return len(x[x > upper_out]) + len(x[x < lower_out])

    def num_count_summary(self,df):
        This method will returns 
        you the information about
        numerical attributes like
        Positive values,Negative Values
        Unique count, Zero count 
        positive and negative inf-
        nity count and count of outliers
        df_num = df._get_numeric_data()
        data_info_num = pd.DataFrame()
        for c in  df_num.columns:
            data_info_num.loc[c,'Negative values count']= df_num[df_num[c]<0].shape[0]
            data_info_num.loc[c,'Positive values count']= df_num[df_num[c]>0].shape[0]
            data_info_num.loc[c,'Zero count']= df_num[df_num[c]==0].shape[0]
            data_info_num.loc[c,'Unique count']= len(df_num[c].unique())
            data_info_num.loc[c,'Negative Infinity count']= df_num[df_num[c]== -np.inf].shape[0]
            data_info_num.loc[c,'Positive Infinity count']= df_num[df_num[c]== np.inf].shape[0]
            data_info_num.loc[c,'Missing Percentage']= df_num[df_num[c].isnull()].shape[0]/ df_num.shape[0]
            data_info_num.loc[c,'Count of outliers']= self.__outlier_count(df_num[c])
            i = i+1
        return data_info_num
    def statistical_summary(self,df):
        This method will returns 
        you the varoius percentile
        of the data including count 
        and mean
        df_num = df._get_numeric_data()

        data_stat_num = pd.DataFrame()

            data_stat_num = pd.concat([df_num.describe().transpose(),
            data_stat_num.columns = ['count','mean','std','min','25%','50%','75%','max','10%','90%','95%']

        return data_stat_num

Info = Attribute_Information()

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